Com humor inteligente o filme "Juno" conta a história de uma garota de 16 anos que engravida do namorado, de início ela não aceita a gravidez, o que evidencia uma característica humana muito comum, independente da idade, da classe social ou nacionalidade: a negação. Inicialmente ela pensa em abortar o bebê, pois seria uma forma rápida de resolver a situação, mas acaba desistindo da idéia e decide doá-lo o para um casal aparentemente feliz.
Nesta fase da vida muitos adolescentes tem experiências sexuais para imitar os amigos, para serem populares na turma, e a cada ano vem crescendo o número de gravidez e contaminação por DST's na adolescência. Muitos pais optam por não conversar com seus filhos sobre o assunto acreditando que isso é responsablidade somente da escola, é exatamente esta a situação retratada no filme, pois "Juno" não conversava em casa sobre sexo, e acabou engravidando logo em sua primeira transa. A ausência do diálogo entre pais e filho sobre sexo é cultural e passada de geração em geração, mas esta postura deve acabar pois é importante que os pais acreditem e percebam que é necessário existir um diálogo saudável e franco com os filhos.
O filme é dirigido por Jason Reitman (Amor sem Escalas), estrelado por Ellen Page (A Origem), Jennifer Garner (De repente 30) e Jason Bateman (Coincidências do Amor). Venceu o Oscar de Melhor Roteiro Original. Escrito por Lucyano Jorge
Contemporary society is changing, our children and youth have access to information quickly and uncontrolled, especially with the advent of the internet, and this results in curiosity for many subjects, especially sex, but because of the immaturity theory is not practiced by the majority.
With intelligent humor the movie "Juno" tells the story of a 16 year old girl who gets pregnant by her boyfriend, she was initially accepted the pregnancy, which shows a very common human trait, regardless of age, social class or nationality: the denial. Initially she thinks abort the baby because it would be a quick way to resolve the situation, but eventually gave up the idea and decided to donate it to a seemingly happy couple.
At this stage of life many teenagers have sexual experiences to imitate their friends, to be popular in the class, and each year has increased the number of contamination pregnancy and STDs in adolescents. Many parents choose not to talk to their kids about it thinking that this is only responsable of the school, this is exactly the situation depicted in the film as "Juno" did not talk about sex at home, and ended up getting pregnant in his first fuck. The absence of dialogue between parents and children about sex and culture and passed down from generation to generation, but this attitude must end because it is important that parents think and realize that there must be a healthy and frank dialogue with their children.
With intelligent humor the movie "Juno" tells the story of a 16 year old girl who gets pregnant by her boyfriend, she was initially accepted the pregnancy, which shows a very common human trait, regardless of age, social class or nationality: the denial. Initially she thinks abort the baby because it would be a quick way to resolve the situation, but eventually gave up the idea and decided to donate it to a seemingly happy couple.
At this stage of life many teenagers have sexual experiences to imitate their friends, to be popular in the class, and each year has increased the number of contamination pregnancy and STDs in adolescents. Many parents choose not to talk to their kids about it thinking that this is only responsable of the school, this is exactly the situation depicted in the film as "Juno" did not talk about sex at home, and ended up getting pregnant in his first fuck. The absence of dialogue between parents and children about sex and culture and passed down from generation to generation, but this attitude must end because it is important that parents think and realize that there must be a healthy and frank dialogue with their children.
The film is directed by Jason Reitman (Up in the Air), starring Ellen Page (Inception), Jennifer Garner (13 Going on 30) and Jason Bateman (The Switch). Won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. Written by Lucyano Jorge