A indisciplina é com certeza um dos grandes desafios que o docente enfrente no exercício de seu ofício, e com a corajosa professora Louanne Johnson no filme "Mentes Perigosas" não foi diferente. Após alguns anos seguindo a carreira militar ela muda o rumo de sua vida e começa a lecionar para uma turma formada por alunos (em sua maioria latinos) desacreditados por todos, inclusive pelo diretor da escola, e que também intimidavam de forma agressiva qualquer um que tentasse se aproximar deles.
Inicialmente ela não obtém êxito com seu método de ensino, diante disso ela começa a observar a diversidade cultural existente entre seus alunos, e conhece a difícil e cruel realidade em que vivem, e conclui que eles sentem-se excluídos da sociedade, e não tem perspectiva no futuro, então ela reavalia e muda sua práxis, trabalhando com poemas que tinham a morte como tema, pois era um assunto que fazia parte do cotidiano de seus alunos, quando percebeu que isso não era suficiente ela começa a premiar os alunos que acertassem as questões, com passeios, chocolates e jantares, no intuito que eles compreendessem que a verdadeira recompensa era aprender. Também dava nota máxima a todos da turma, e explicou que manter uma nota alta era muito mais difícil do que tirar. No decorrer de todo esse processo ela começa a ser questionada pela direção da escola, mesmo após conseguir êxito com sua metodologia, mas ela não se intimida e continua acreditando no potencial de seus alunos.
Inspirado em fatos reais, o roteiro não foge dos clichês de filmes do gênero, mas eu Lucyano Jorge destacaria algo interessante: é muito importante que o professor sempre que considerar necessário questione e mude sua práxis, no intuito de contemplar as necessidades de seus alunos. " A educação é a arma mais poderosa que você pode usar para mudar o mundo" (Nelson Mandela). A bela Michele Pfeiffer (Ligações Perigosas e O Feitiço de Áquila) interpreta a corajosa professora Louanne, o destaque da trilha sonora é Gangsta's Paradise do rapper Coolio.
Escrito por Lucyano Jorge
Indiscipline is certainly one of the greatest challenges that teachers face in the exercise of his office, and the brave teacher Louanne Johnson in the movie "Dangerous Minds" was no different. After a few years following a military career she changes the course of his life and begins to teach a class composed of students (mostly Hispanic) discredited by everyone, including the school principal, and also aggressively intimidated anyone who tried to approach them.
Initially she did not get success with his method of teaching, whereupon it begins to observe the cultural diversity among their students, and knows the difficult and harsh reality in which they live, and concludes that they feel excluded from society, and hasprospects for the future, so she reassesses and change their practice, working with poems that had death as its theme, it was a matter that was part of everyday life for his students when he realized that this was not enough she starts to reward students who acertassem issues, with tours, chocolates and dinner, in order that they understand that the real reward was to learn. He also gave top marks to all the class and explained that maintaining a high note was a lot harder than you take. During this process it begins to be questioned by the school, even after achieving success with their methodology, but she is not intimidated and continues to believe in the potential of their students.
Inspired by true events, the script does not shy away from the cliches of genre films, but I Lucyano Jorge highlight something interesting: it is very important that the teacher whenever it deems necessary to question and change their practices in order to accommodate the needs of their students. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" (Nelson Mandela). The beautiful Michelle Pfeiffer (Dangerous Liaisons and The Spell of Aquila) plays the courageous teacher Louanne, the highlight of the soundtrack is Gangsta's Paradise rapper Coolio.
Initially she did not get success with his method of teaching, whereupon it begins to observe the cultural diversity among their students, and knows the difficult and harsh reality in which they live, and concludes that they feel excluded from society, and hasprospects for the future, so she reassesses and change their practice, working with poems that had death as its theme, it was a matter that was part of everyday life for his students when he realized that this was not enough she starts to reward students who acertassem issues, with tours, chocolates and dinner, in order that they understand that the real reward was to learn. He also gave top marks to all the class and explained that maintaining a high note was a lot harder than you take. During this process it begins to be questioned by the school, even after achieving success with their methodology, but she is not intimidated and continues to believe in the potential of their students.
Inspired by true events, the script does not shy away from the cliches of genre films, but I Lucyano Jorge highlight something interesting: it is very important that the teacher whenever it deems necessary to question and change their practices in order to accommodate the needs of their students. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" (Nelson Mandela). The beautiful Michelle Pfeiffer (Dangerous Liaisons and The Spell of Aquila) plays the courageous teacher Louanne, the highlight of the soundtrack is Gangsta's Paradise rapper Coolio.
Written by Lucyano Jorge